Information Bulletin #1


Brothers and Sisters,

We are all going through an unprecedented period and we sincerely hope that you and your families are well. For several months now, since the start of the confinement period, your Negotiating Committee has been holding weekly calls with representatives of the Company. The purpose of these calls is to identify and try to resolve as many of the issues you’re experiencing as possible, in relation to Covid-19. Obviously on a few occasions, the parties have dealt with items which are typically general labour relations issues, however, nothing exhaustive since we have continued with our meetings of the joint labour relations committee, as per the collective agreement (4 per year).

It is important for us to update you on certain files, which are more problematic for us and which we deem necessary to share with you.



It was in April 2020 that Bell Canada made the decision to stop selling PBX and electronic key system products to its customers. The existing contracts will be honoured and we will continue to do the work, however, this will not be extended. The Company's objective is to migrate its customers to Bell Total Connect products. Technician training has started and Bell has informed us that they will provide technician training as customer migration evolves on BTC products.

One of the problems we face, is that Bell is advising customers who want to continue with their ORS products, to refer to an external firm that will support this technology. We see this as a form of subcontracting, in the context where Bell tells its customers who to contact for support. The position of the Company is to the effect that it has decided to no longer sell the said product, and therefore this does not correspond to subcontracting. Please be aware that we are evaluating our options regarding this decision.

We also questioned the Company regarding the negative impact this decision may have on our jobs. Bell replied that it intends to migrate customers to the new BTC products and that the volume of work would always be present for our members, who are responsible for supporting these products. Any member in need, will receive the necessary training to support BTC products. We questioned the company as to whether they were considering a decrease or an increase in the volume of work related to this decision. Bell's answer is that the forecast for the BTC product is growing. Rest assured that we will be following this matter closely and that if any of you have information to share with us, please do not hesitate to speak to your respective delegates.



As you can see, the various internet service providers in the country have made the decision to terminate the additional internet charges for all customers across the country. In general, this particular attention during the Covid period ended on June 30th. Once Bell made the announcement, we asked the Company if this would also apply to our members who currently work from home. Bell’s response was “yes” and that from now on, employees would have to assume the difference in cost. Obviously, the cost will vary from member to member, depending on their plan. Of course, most of you have unlimited plans, with enough bandwidth to support applications for your work. However, some of you may have had to modify your plans accordingly, or rather have seen your bandwidth data far beyond your normal usage. We believe that the onus is on the employer to pay these fees. We have provisions in our collective agreement which clearly indicate that the costs related to telework are reimbursed by the Company. Thus far, Bell refuses to honor these provisions, arguing that the few dollars of difference that some of you may have are minimal, compared to the transportation costs saved for those who are teleworking.

During our last meeting, we notified the Company of our position, which is that a Bell employee should not have to contribute out of their own pocket. We intend to file the necessary grievances, with the objective of changing our employer's decision. Any member affected by this change should get in touch with their respective shop steward.



As of July 14, 2020, Bell will offer its residential customers whose homes are connected to the Fiber Optic network the option of self-installation for Internet services. Our fear is quite simple, the negative impact it will have on the workload. It is difficult for us at the moment to quantify the impact that this will have on our members, however, Bell has estimated that out of the 18,000 or so connections expected by the end of December, that 4% of them would be done in auto installation mode. Of course, the technician will be responsible for configuring the receivers and the modem, but the installation will be carried out by the customer. As you can see, the real impact on our jobs can really only be a negative one. Once again, we will closely monitor the development of this file and its potential impact on our jobs.



It has been brought to our attention, some of your directors have raised the possibility that there may be an agreement with Unifor, to extend our collective agreement for a period of one year. It is important that you know this has not been tabled and/or discussed with us and that this information is an unfounded rumor.

Our collective agreement will expire on November 30th. Obviously Covid-19 and the containment period which followed, has affected our preparations for negotiations, however, we will be working diligently in the fall to catch up and in accordance with all health and safety guidelines and restrictions. Our timeline may be changed, but the information circulating on a one-year extension agreement rumor is unfounded.



As indicated above, we have an agreement in place that the members of the Negotiating Committee (Company and Union) are to meet at least 4 times a year to raise various issues that arise in our workplaces, which cannot be resolved by way of grievance. These meetings allow us to resolve issues as quickly as possible rather than waiting for the upcoming negotiations.

Bell Canada refused to grant the necessary travel and accommodation permissions for your bargaining agents, mainly alleging the following:

• Travel ban except in critical business situations;

• Prohibition to allow more than 3 people to meet in the same conference room.

The Negotiation Committee is 8 people for Unifor. The provincial authorities of Quebec and Ontario authorize a larger number for meetings. In Quebec, we can be up to a maximum of 50 people. In Ontario it's a maximum of 10 people outside of the Greater Toronto Area. The sanitary rules of our provincial authorities allow us to hold these meetings while respecting preventive measures. Bell Canada's position prevents us from defending your rights. Alternatively, videoconferencing tools combined with simultaneous translation services have been tried without much success. They are certainly practical for current meetings, but the nature of our meetings means that discussions require fluidity and an ability to consult, which these tools do not offer. Throughout this difficult period, the employees and representatives of the union greatly collaborated in maintaining the activities of this company. But when opportunities / suggestions to resolve our problems arise, Bell Canada outright rejects access to these important tools for our daily challenges. In other words, when it is good or makes sense for the Company, everything possible is done, however, when it is time to work for its employees, it is no longer possible. We are disappointed with the Company’s position. For unionized workers in our certification unit, JLRC meetings are critical to the business. We will challenge this decision by way of grievance and we will continue to ensure that Bell Canada takes the Health and safety of our members seriously, while making the appropriate and/or necessary changes to our everyday working conditions. Since the beginning of this period, you have all demonstrated strength and shown exactly how resilient you can be and it’s time Bell provides you with the recognition you deserve.

Dear Sisters and Brothers, we work for you. Your support is directly linked to our ability to influence Bell Canada's decisions. Thank you for your unwavering and continued support.

In Solidarity,

Your Bargaining Committee