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President's Message
May 8, 2020
Pharmacare needed for pandemic and after
Eight weeks into the shutdown, the prescriptions Canadians got filled before the pandemic or in its early days are starting to run low.
President's Message
May 4, 2020
Ottawa must take on Facebook and Google now
Canada’s news organizations are in mortal peril, and it’s time for the federal government to take on the two marauding tech giants that are largely to
April 29, 2020
Security in times of crisis: fixing Canada’s Employment Insurance program
COVID-19 has sparked an important conversation about the nature of decent work and the inadequacies of Canada’s social safety net that is long overdue
President's Message
April 27, 2020
COVID recovery must include a new vision for Canadian production
Across this country, individual Canadians are pulling out their sewing machines to make surgical masks and donating them to local hospitals and...
April 22, 2020
Energy workers still waiting for federal relief
The speed and depth of the economic downturn inflicted by the COVID-19 crisis has been unprecedented. The Canadian economy took a 9% hit to its gross
President's Message
April 15, 2020
Long Term Care fixes need to be permanent
Across Canada, long term care facilities are emerging as epicentres of the COVID-19 pandemic, with half the country’s pandemic deaths occurring in...