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Briefs and Submissions

Unifor represents approximately 163,000 members in Ontario ranging across diverse sectors including retail, tourism, gaming, warehousing and delivery, auto...

Unifor mourns the loss of the 215 children found on Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc territory who perished in the custody of the...

Submitted to the Department of Finance

January 2021

Introductory Comments

Unifor is pleased to offer the following comments to the...

Lori Straznicky, Executive Director, Special Projects

Re:         Unifor...

Unifor is pleased to provide input into the 2021 provincial budget. We are continuing to recommend a dual strategy to keep Ontarians protected and build a...

Keep Ontarians Protected and Build a Better Economy

Unifor recommends the Ontario government focus on two simultaneous...

Unifor has submitted recommendations to the Federal government...


Unifor is Canada’s largest private sector union, with 315,000 members working in a diverse range of workplaces across the country. Our...


Unifor represents 315,000 workers in workplaces across Canada. Our membership includes over 160,000 Ontario...

Unifor has submitted recommendations to the Federal government outlining our union’s key priorities for the 2019 budget.


Unifor is Canada’s largest private sector union with over 310,000 members across Canada. Approximately 160,000 of our members live and work in Ontario. ...


Unifor is Canada’s largest private sector labour union, with 315,000 members in every economic region of the...

Unifor fall 2018 economic update.

Unifor welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to New Brunswick’s consultation on domestic, intimate partner or sexual violence leave legislation (...

Unifor welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the province’s New Vision for Student Transportation in Ontario Discussion Paper. Unifor has been a...

On January 11, 2018, the Employment and Social Development Canada announced a consultation process for reviewing and modernizing employment standards for...

Unifor has submitted recommendations to the Federal government...

Ontario Spring Budget

Unifor has submitted recommendations to the Ontario government outlining our union’s key priorities for the upcoming provincial...

Fairplay Canada is a coalition of Canadian content creators and several other unions including Unifor, ACTRA,...

Unifor is calling for the expansion of the scope of the Bank of Canada’s “unclaimed balances” registry mandate as part of broader review by Finance Canada...

Unifor and its predecessor unions have always believed in, and sought to promote, workplace health and safety. Safety is a cornerstone value for us and...

Unifor supports Ontario’s development of a Women’s Economic Empowerment Strategy and we welcome the opportunity to provide input.  We are Canada’s largest...

Unifor calls for paid domestic violence leave in its response to the Government of Saskatchewan’s consultation paper on interpersonal violence and...

Unifor Submission to the Standing Committee of Finance and Economic Affairs
July, 2017


Unifor welcomes the opportunity to submit its written viewsi to Global Affairs Canada on a potential free trade agreement between Canada and the People’s...

Unifor National President Jerry Dias told the Senate Standing on Foreign Affairs  that rather than review a bill on implementing the Comprehensive...

Every day, thousands of Unifor members work in Canada’s aviation industry to safely and efficiently get people and cargo to their next destination. Our...

Unifor believes in an active leadership role for government to develop strong and sophisticated policies that leverage strategic investments to secure long-...

Unifor Women’s Department was invited to present our ideas on Women’s Economic Security to a House of Commons Committee.  We emphasized the need for a...

Investment in Early Years and Child Care is good for equality and good for the economy.  Unifor provides concrete suggestions to support children’s...

Unifor is the largest private-sector trade union in Canada representing over 310,000 members who live in all regions of Canada, and working in virtually...

Unifor supports Rogers Media’s application for 9(1)(h) status(OMNI Regional) conditional of OMNI news programming commitments that are commensurate to more...

Unifor is calling upon Canada’s federal TV regulator to put teeth into broadcasters’ licence conditions for daily local news, including programming targeted...

On behalf of Unifor, we are pleased to submit the attached intervention with respect to Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2015-134.

Unifor supports the goals of Ontario's climate change action program but the union, representing members who work at 30 of the 150 large emitters listed on...

Jerry Dias, Unifor National President
March 8, 2016


Good morning Mister...

Closing the gender wage gap must be treated as a human rights priority. It is more than just pay equity. It is about access to quality education,...

A ground-breaking bill was introduced last fall in the Manitoba legislature which would provide workers facing domestic violence with paid leave from work...

The welfare state retrenchment that has dominated federal politics since the 1980s has not only failed to stimulate higher levels of investment or faster...

Unifor activists in Ontario fought hard to include violence, sexual harassment and domestic violence in the Occupational Health & Safety Act. Changes...

Investing in social services, job creation and economic growth must be the focus of the upcoming Ontario budget. That’s the message Unifor delivered to the...

Submission by Unifor to the Ontario Changing Workplaces Consultation.

This submission represents a comprehensive effort by Unifor to analyze the...

Katha Fortier, Ontario Regional Director's deputation to Ontario changing workplaces review in Toronto,ON.

Unifor welcomes the invitation to make a submission concerning women in skilled trades and STEM occupations. Unifor represents 305,000 workers in Canada...

Unifor welcomes the opportunity to provide its views to the Select Committee on Sexual Violence and Harassment...

The establishment of a review of the regulated child care sector in the province by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development is an...

Unifor is Canada’s largest private-sector trade union, but we have members in the provincial and federal public sectors as well, in virtually every industry...

Unifor welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the key design questions raised in the December 2014 consultation paper on the Ontario Retirement...

Unifor Local 1075 President Dominic Pasqualino spoke to the Toronto Transit Commission board on August 19.  Here is a transcript of his address:...

On June 27, Unifor submitted an intervention to the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) regarding its review of the...

“Unifor has analyzed the Ontario PC “Million Jobs Plan.” We find serious mathematical errors that dramatically overstate job creation, and reveal that the...

Unifor is calling on the federal government to take strong action to help young people facing and increasingly difficult job market that offers them little...

On February 28, Unifor submitted an intervention to the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) regarding Rogers Broadcasting...

Unifor opposes Bill C-525.

Bill C-525 is not about employee democracy as its title suggests. It is about eroding the ability of employees in Canada...

November 19, 2013 Unifor made a submission to the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with...

This is a submission from the former CEP union in July 2013 to the National Energy Board regarding the proposal to reverse the direction of flow in the...

Unifor Economist Jim Stanford and Assistant to the President Dave Moffat  spoke Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013, before the House of Commons Standing Committee on...

It is inappropriate for the Harper government to bring in sweeping labour law changes through an omnibus budget implementation bill, making proper...

Unifor is calling on the commission (CRTC) to require broadcasters to dedicate more of the tangible benefits from any merger or takeover to enhancing local...

November 19, 2013 Unifor made a submission to the CIIT Hearings on the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement. T...

Unifor has made a submission to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission on averaging hours of local programming, calling on the CRTC...

Presented by Jim Stanford, Economist Jordan Brennan, Economist

The Unifor submission points out...